Last week at Redwood Park we began a series called Courage. As part of our first look at 2012 we asked each other just what that thing was that you were created to do? The thing that when you do it, you wish that you could do it forever, when you do it, it feels like God is smiling on you?
From that simple vision test we searched for the opportunities of tomorrow and then spent the rest of our time talking about summoning courage to face whatever obstacles we might face as we pursue that image of our preferred future.
What I didn’t expect was the almost immediate response from those who felt the discomfort of feeling like the life they are living now is not at all like the life they dream of or, at least, not enough like the life of their dreams.
If that’s you then I want to offer 2 tools to help you identify and then at least take some new steps towards the life you dream of.
The first is Scott McKnight’s book One.Life

Publishers weekly said this about One Life
McKnight, a professor of religious studies at North Park University in Chicago and the author of the acclaimed Jesus Creed, argues against the Christianity he was taught in his youth, an interpretation he finds overly fixated on the personal piety of believers rather than their influence in society. He contends instead that Jesus called believers to action and to the establishment of a world of justice, compassion, and peace.
The second is a tool from Michael Hyatt on how to create a Life Plan

Life Plan
Michael Hyatt is the chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing, a popular speaker on leadership and a professional blogger.
Michael Hyatt give three reasons why you need a life plan.
It will give you clarity about where your life is headed.
It will keep you in balance when things get crazy.
It will give you peace of mind, knowing you are addressing those aspects of your life that matter most.
It’s not a bad thing to look at your life and discover that you’re not where you hoped you would be – as long as you take whatever steps you need to take to start getting there.
Where in your life do you need to draw a line in the sand and declare that is as far as you’re going in that direction?
Where have you seen the greatest movement in the right direction in the past year?