All About Me
How Can I Help?
A quick introduction to the Buckles begins in 1997 when I married this cute German girl (her face comes up a lot on my blog) and moved to Huntsville. Many miles and stops along way has us where we are today in the Waterloo Region, having joined the team at Pathway Community Church.
We’re looking forward to what’s ahead.
Some quick updates on the rest of the team.
Luana continues to work away at her PhD in History at Western University. Our oldest daughter Abigail, after graduating from the University of Guelph with a degree in Nutrition and Nutraceuticals, had jumped into an Mdiv at McMaster. Shiloh is in his 4th year at the university of Ottawa, and Esther is at Conestoga College for nursing.
And me… well I continue to log miles as I try to discover, bit by bit, the kind of human God created me to be.
We love sharing our stories. Spend some time looking at the site and you’ll hear me share some of what i’m learning as I journey with God, in leadership, and some thoughts on various topics that I find interesting at the time. Please like and share, leave comments, but be kind. I’m on a journey. Thanks for stopping by.