Not only do we believe that the Scriptures are inspired, we also embrace the belief that they are inerrant with regards to their assertions.
A working definition of inerrancy is: “free from error or untruth” or “not contrary to fact but true to fact.”
This definition is complicated because the Bible was never intended to present truth from a scientific perspective – truth as established by repeatable experiments. Nor was it intended to record history as a modern reader would understand historical method.
The Bible is a compilation of songs, sayings, stories, letters and ancient Historical narrative written to tell the story of God’s intersection with Mankind, and to direct God’s followers as to how to maintain a sustainable fellowship with him.
Uniquely the Bible still exists as God’s word to mankind on these matters. In these matters it is trustworthy – true in it’s assertions.
as Dr. Myron B Penner says it:
whatever is affirmed in Scripture is wholly and completely true. Insofar as inerrancy is an attempt to preserve the truthfulness of God and His speech, I applaud it and whole-heartedly agree with it. Inerrancy isn’t wrong… The key issue, though, has to do with what Scripture, taken as a whole and in any given piece, is actually affirming.
This leads us to the critical importance learning to read and interpret the scriptures.
When was the last time you read something in the Bible you struggled to understand or struggled to believe?