>This morning i was reading Isaiah 49 and verse 6 jumped out at me.
It’s going to be a prayer for me over the summer.
6 He says, “But that’s not a big enough job for my servant— just to recover the tribes of Jacob, merely to round up the strays of Israel. I’m setting you up as a light for the nations so that my salvation becomes global!”
I’ll tell you that there are days that pastoring a small church feels like an enormous Job.
And it’s not that it’s a small church that’s a problem to me. I’m not one of those with a complex about that kind of thing.
The thing that i have a complex about is the Job. I love that our church has been a place where those who have fallen out of favour with church can come and find a community of Grace.
I think there are a lot of reasons people stray from Church and perhaps as many why people stray from God. Not all of those reasons tell a good story.
Some are sad and some are… sad.
I have often thanked God for being able to round up the strays of Israel. But i have a heart for something greater.
A Bigger Job.